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  • 美国mba学费是多少钱(美国mba排名前30名的大学)

    来源:中国企业家研修网 138 2023-04-19



    When it comes to higher education, the United States of America is considered one of the leading destinations for students around the world. One of the popular courses pursued by students is MBA – Master of Business Administration. It is a professional degree that equips students with skills and knowledge to take leadership roles in the business world. Pursuing an MBA in the US can be a lucrative choice; however, it comes at a considerable expense. In this article, we will discuss the cost of pursuing an MBA in the US.

    The cost of an MBA in the US

    The cost of pursuing an MBA in the US varies widely depending on various factors such as location, type of MBA program, and institution. According to the US News & World Report, the average cost of tuition fees for two years of MBA program at a public university is around $65,000, while it costs around $100,000 at a private institution. However, these figures do not include living expenses such as accommodation, books, transportation, and health insurance. Therefore, a student can expect to spend an additional $20,000-$40,000 per year on these miscellaneous expenses. Thus, pursuing an MBA in the US can cost anywhere between $140,000-$200,000.

    Other expenses to consider

    Apart from the tuition and living expenses, there are other expenses to consider when pursuing an MBA in the US. These expenses include application fees, visa fees, standardized test fees, and networking expenses. A student can expect to spend up to $5,000 on application fees and standardized test fees alone. Networking expenses can also add up, as they play a critical role in finding internships and job opportunities. Many MBA programs conduct various networking events throughout the year, such as company visits, industry events, and career fairs. Attending these events can also add up to a student's expenses.


    Pursuing an MBA in the US can be an expensive proposition, but it can pay off in the long run, with promising career prospects and lucrative salaries. While the cost of pursuing an MBA in the US can be intimidating, there are various financing options available, such as scholarships, grants, and loans. Therefore, students should research thoroughly and explore all available options before making a decision. Pursuing an MBA is a significant investment, and students should consider all the factors and make a well-informed decision.


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